Week three did not go as planned. We ended up having to play catch-up over the weekend. We still have a few subjects to make up this afternoon. I just have to do a bit better with planning this week!
MATH: We reviewed multiplication with the math rockets from Practical Pages. In her 5th grade math book we did a mid-chapter review working with decimals, fractions, estimation. Some concepts she is picking up right away and others she is stuck on. We are not going to zoom forward with the math. I am going to find other ways to practice each new idea until she's got it. We will also continue reviewing several times a week too.
SPELLING: We have a 6th grade spelling book and I plug the words into Spelling City for practice and an end-of-the-week spelling quiz. She breezes through them and the grammar work in the spelling book as well.
HISTORY: Em's history/social studies book went further into the details of the US government this week. I'll be honest, it bored us both. I'll have to find a way to make it more exciting this week.
SCIENCE: Very appropriately - we learned about how trees are nourished, the different parts of a tree, and how leaves turn colors. The brighter the sun, clearer the sky, and cooler the weather dictates just how colorful the leaves will be.
LITERATURE: Emme read a story about Wilma Rudolph and we did a notebook page on her and she learned more about polio.
GRAMMAR: We tackled run-on sentences this week. Pretty simple stuff for her. Thank God she has a strong English brain! LOL (as opposed to her math brain)
RELIGION: We did week two on Heart of Wisdom - free Bible lesson plans. This week was Adam and Eve. There was copywork, a notebooking page, memory verses, and coloring pages. If you have not seen this site before, I urge you to check it out!
CURSIVE: She did a few pages in her mastering cursive 5th grade workbook.
NATURE STUDY: We are following along with Harmony Art Mom and the Handbook of Nature Study blog. This week the challenge was to start a nature book. I purchased two artists notebooks along with some colored pencils and a beginning drawing kit along with some scrapbook paper. We decorated the books with the scrapbook paper. Mine is outdoorsy with greens and blues. Emme's has sparkly hearts all over the front of it!
We had to miss out on our field trip due to the weather. We had super high winds and the threat of a thunderstorm. Emme attended one of her brother's football games this week! You can see just how excited she was to be there:
We did some other things, but those are the highlights! I hope all of your school days are blessed!
What a wonderful week! I am a fan of Harmony Mom! She is wonderful. Have a blessed week.