I'm linking up to Weird, Unsocialized Homeschool's Weekly Wrap Up!
MATH: We did a chapter review in our new math book and Emme did well, 90%. The rest of the week we continued with multiplication review with math rockets, worksheets, and flash cards.
MATH: We did a chapter review in our new math book and Emme did well, 90%. The rest of the week we continued with multiplication review with math rockets, worksheets, and flash cards.
HISTORY/SOCIAL STUDIES: I'm sorry to say it remained boring this week. *sigh* Just finished up the first chapter, all about government. Definitely have to make the next chapter more exciting!
CURSIVE: Did several pages from Mastering Cursive 5th Grade - definitely improving.
GRAMMAR: We practiced run-on sentences and did a full chapter review and quiz. Emme got a 93%.
RELIGION: Finished up week 2 of Hearts of Wisdom study - did another 2 interactive notebook pages.
SCIENCE: Read in the CLP Nature Reader 5 all about how the tongue and teeth aids in digestion, both in humans and in animals. In our science book we read about how plants help with pollution and oil spills. Since it is such a timely subject, I think I will take the time to do a one-week unit study on oil spills. I found wonderful resources at the Tug At Nature blog.
NATURE: Lots of nature talk this week with the change of seasons. We started an Autumn Leaf unit study and worked more on our Fall notebooking pages. Went for a walk on a local Nature Trail. Did some drawing in our nature books of tall grasses, trees losing their green color (not yet colorful, just getting more drab) fall wildflowers, and cat tails. We sounds thousands for crickets and three types of butterflies. We got to observe some "talking" crows (they were communicating between a telephone pole and a tree) and watched some cute little sparrows eating berries and chatting happily in a small tree. Will work over the weekend on finding some ducks and geese so we can work on the Handbook of Nature Study Blog's week 2 challenge.
HOME EC & ARTS & CRAFTS W/ GRANDMA: Em stays over my Mom's house every Thursday while I work. This week they baked and decorated Halloween cookies. Emme did everything aside from using the oven. She made a Halloween craft, colored a felt picture with markers, and did a craft of a cat with plastic bead art. Oh - and did a beaded necklace as well. I think the time she spends with my Mom is invaluable and one of the most important parts of her homeschooling!
READING: Finished up "The Witches" and she is almost finished with "Poppy" - next week we will start a new read-a-loud and a new book for Em to read as well. In her free time she is reading fairy books - but I think the next book I will have her read is "Bunnicula"!
Em went to another of her brother's football games this week! Even after how bored she was last week. Even if neither of them act like it, I am sure he appreciates her support!
I hope everyone has an exciting and enriching week of homeschooling!
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