I'm linking up with Weird, Unsocialized Homeschooler's Weekly Wrap Up and The Homeschool Chick's Homeschool Mother's Journal.
In my life this week… Emily and I have been a little under the weather. Sore throats, headaches, body aches, and just sheer exhaustion. But she is being a trooper. Me? Not so much :)
In our homeschool this week… We had to change our approach to both math and writing this week. She has always had a problem in math and she was near tears when she didn't understand her lesson. So instead of fretting and worrying about her having trouble - I simply went back to more basic concepts. I hope this will prove to be less stressful for her. In writing she is feeling overwhelmed with WHAT to write. So we are going to do a few small practice narratives, letters, expositories, poems, etc. That way the blank page (screen) won't be so menacing.
Helpful homeschooling tips or advice to share… I am sure this isn't suprising to most of you - but all children learn at different levels. And children may excel in some areas and be weak in others. Just be diligent and patient with the subjects that are more difficult for your child and try your best to be positive about it and make it fun - no matter their age!
I am inspired by… The change in the weather!! I love the fall.
Places we’re going and people we’re seeing… Well we were sick half of the week, so not too much going out. We did go to my son's football game on Wednesday afternoon and to my parents' for dinner on Thursday evening. Hopefully there will be more outings next week!
My favorite thing this week was… Going to my son's football game!
What’s working/not working for us… As mentioned above, the math and writing lessons were not working for us.
Things I’m working on… I have been writing song lyrics lately - some Christian and some more contemporary pop, I guess. I've also written some poetry and hope to work on a larger project soon. I'm thinking of a blogazine :)
I’m reading… The Frontiersman's Daughter
I’m cooking… I'm playing the "sick" card again, lol. I did make a really good pot of bean & cabbage soup. Delish. Also made buffalo chicken chili mac (Rachel Ray) and just put some chicken in the crockpot with cream of chicken soup and baked potatoes (covered potatoes in foil and put in crock) and broccoli (steamed in microwave) last night. Minimum effort but it was really tasty!
I’m grateful for… I am grateful for the abundance of blessings God has bestowed upon my life. I know many people might think I have little - I live in an apartment, drive an older car, don't have a pantry full of food, and live paycheck to paycheck. But I have ENOUGH. No one in my family is going hungry. My children are healthy and have a roof over their heads. How could I not be grateful for that?
This is from our vacation last month in New Hampshire - isn't it pretty?